Monday, June 25, 2007

The hike

Today I was thinking about the journey Jason & I have been on these 6 months. It reminds me of Hanging lake hike near Glennwood Springs in Colorado. The first 2 times I tried it I didn't make it all the way. Its only a mile or so but vert steep. But I've made it to the top at least twice. It is so worth it. It is one of the most beautiful sence I have seen. Here in Hawaii I feel like we are on a very steep hike. The great thing is that we really can't turn back. We could move back to Colorado and have a house to live in but nothing else, so not the best option. I know that GOD is in control and that when we reach the top it will be like nothing we have ever experienced. I keep reminding myself that where GOD guides he provides. He has been so faithful to us even when we freak out. I also know that like the rest of my life experiences my testimony will be HIS faithfulness through it all. I am over whelmed at HIS amazing love.


SJ said...
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SJ said...

I'm so glad I got to talk to you last night :) It is so refreshing to be able to see someone else's strong faith in writing!

I love you guys!!
