Thursday, June 21, 2007

Happy Birthday little brother

Yesterday would have been my little brothers 29th birthday. Last night at church we were going through Leviticus 10. This is where Aaron's sons Nadab & Abihu are killed by fire from GOD. They had been prepared, washed, clothed, set apart and they had the right tools. But they had the wrong fire. They were doing it their own way and they paid with their lives. Waxer talked about how we try to rationalize GOD. We wonder why is it that this person lived and this one died. We can start to get our selves into trouble with thoughts of fairness. Well when my brother died almost 13 years ago I struggled with the why him, why couldn't it of been me. Last night I realized I had questioned GOD's holiness. As I was praying about that I felt this overwhelming need to hug a David (that's my brother's name). In our church our pastor Waxer's real name is David and then we have David Blevins he is the assistant pastor. David Blevins is a great man but since we started going to the church I've felt he really didn't like me. Where this feeling came from I don't know he's never done anything wrong. I've started to get more comfortable around him, but when they thought came to hug a David I was a little unsure about hugging David Blevins. Well as a struggled in my head I realized there was no doubt that it was David Blevins I was to hug. You may be thinking that this girl needs help it's only a hug. So I finally went to the back and stood in front of him, he had been praying and struggling on his own with GOD. He looked at me and all I could say was I need a hug from you. Well it was just what he needed and when I told him the story he was touched. It's amazing how the little things can make such a difference. Through this little thing of a hug GOD touched David and me.

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