Saturday, June 16, 2007


We are still waiting to hear about our renters, they haven't turned in an app. yet. Even still God is in control.

I went to my doctor for the 2nd time today. My first visit she gave me many recomendation on how to eat better to better my health. Like no dairy, less meat, more veggies and many other things. As ussual my body did strange things even eating healthier. Today she gave me supliments to help my kidneys and thyroid. She is very excited to help me get pregnant. That is one of her specialties. I'm very glad God led me to her. She also told me for 33 I need much more muscle than I have and is pushing for me to work out more than my walking to work. Baby steps.

Today was a great day. Jason and I went to the farmers market. A short swim, short because it was wanting to rain and very windy and COLD. And then Jason went to work and will be there til 11pm. The nice thing about him working late on Saterday is when I'm off we get to hang out most of the day.

Off to figure out diner for the week. It's always been hard for me to figure out a menu but now its harder cause I'm trying to be good.

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