Thursday, June 28, 2007


This may be a little whinny. You have been warned. Today I mentioned to the Doctor I didn't ask my friends to move the wedding but that the date was set for the times I asked for. He laughed, then realizing that he was used as the leverage he said I forgot that I asked Donald to ask for you to ask them to move it. All that said to say I still don't have an answer to whether I can get the time or not. Truth is that I know my time there is limited I just don't know for how much longer. So if they say no it will not keep me from the wedding. It is so rude for them to drag their feet and keep us from planning. Truth is that in this case we are going to buy the tickets whether or not I have their ok, but in a normal situation they could be causing someone to pay more for air fair than they need to. That is not right!!!!!!
I feel so out of place at work because of the fact that I'm looking for another job. Today is the first time I have felt anger toward my Doctor. I realized he is just as guilty for the guild trips and mind games as Donald is because the Doctor allows Donald to have the power to do so. I just want everything to be calm and normal. Wish I knew what normal was.

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