Thursday, June 14, 2007


I really thought I was going to hurt someone today. By someone I mean the person @ my job that has me looking for another. It is hard to explain the extent of the senseless, meaningless, and just rediculis things he needs to be done ASAP. Doesn't matter if you are up to your eyeballs in patients or are on the phone you are expected to stop and do his bidding even if it is of no importance to the real world. God is working grace in me through this but it is so hard. I have only heard from one of the place I sent a resume to. I decided not to go for it because it is retail hour and with Jason on retail hours I see big problems. Plus when I told Jason the look on his face was that of we will never see each other if we are both on retail hours. So I thought is wise to keep trying.

So if you haven't noticed I started this for a vent/journal type of thing. Having very few friends here still and everyone I would talk to is in time zones in which it makes it too late to call when I get off work. Plus it you aren't in the mood for venting you don't have to listen.

I think we have a renter for the house. We heard about 2 girls that are interested and they have a dog, but the dog sounds great and is in doggy day care while they are at work. I can't tell you how big of a relief it is to have someone really intersted that isn't wanting us to drop the price or paint the inside. God is good.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I love that you have a blog!!! I love getting to read what's going on even though we don't get to talk very much!

Sorry your job (administrator) is just a pain! I'm praying you'll find a great new job quick! :)

And, that's SUCH GREAT NEWS about the renters! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!! :)

Miss you!