Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I've been reading other blogs and at the verge of tears.

Sometimes it feels like my problems are so BIG. That is when I decide to look at my GOD through my problems and forget how BID HE is. When I get back into my right mind and look at my problems through my GOD I can see how small they are.

I have SO much to be thankful for. I have an awesome husband that supports me even when I'm off my rocker. GOD has us in a wonderful church family. We are making friends here in Hawaii. We are soooooo blessed. GOD is bringing healing into my relationship with my mom. HIS time is perfect. We could be parents in 6 months thanks to adoption. We have a new place to lie with more space. I might have a new job.

GOD love me and what could be better than that.

1 comment:

SJ said...

Hey girl, I'm thankful for our friendship :) Just wanted to let you know.