Sunday, November 4, 2007

Pushing Through

It seems to be that once a week is my average at blogging. Many times I think about things to blog but I just don't make the time. There is so much going on right now.

We are trying to find another apartment. That doesn't seem like that hard of a task. Here in Hawaii its harder than any other place I've looked. The cost is high and for the price some places are so bad that you wonder how it is they could charge so much for nothing. You have to be diligent and keep looking even when you are discouraged by what you find. We are looking for a 2 bedroom apartment. Funny thing is that a 2 bedroom apartment that is 650 sq feet is going for the same price as we have rented our 1640 sq feet house in Colorado.

I am still looking for a job. Haven't found anything yet. I know that GOD will guide me to that place I'm supposed to be.

We are waiting and praying for the right time for us to go to Fiji. We want it to be GOD perfect timing. With everything going as fast as it has been I don't want to run ahead of GOD but I also don't want to freeze either. I know have my passport so that when the time is right we can go. It seems very unreal that in a matter of months we could be parents.

It's a little scary to think that we will have a little one soon. All these fears are trying to come in. Thing like we are getting in over our heads. I know I'm supposed to be a Mom. I know that GOD put that dream in me. Even through 7 years of infertility it was not extinguished. I guess that I knew in my heart that there would be a day I'd be a parent, I just kept thinking GOD has a plan. I guess my brain never thought of what it would be like when it happened.

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