Monday, July 30, 2007

How low can you go?

Tonight I find myself feeling at rock bottom. Crazy thing is looking at my situation I shouldn't be feeling this low. So many others have a lot worse situations than I. All I know is I feel aweful. I know that GOD is good and he has a plan. HE has big plans, I know this, but is still feel aweful. I am not where I thought I would be a 33. The biggest thing is I though by now I would be the parent of 2 or more kids. Didn't think I'd be working at least not full time. I want to be a full time mom, or making my primary job my kids and working part time when Jason is home to take care of them. My job is a total deadend. My attempts to find something new have turned up nothing. At work what I was given charge of has been given to someone else. Not because of performance, just because they were unable to find a Doctors Assistant to take my place so I could devote my time to the skin care treatment. So they hired an Estanitistion to take over the skin care treatments and I become second fiddle. It's not that I mind being second fiddle it just means that I'm stuck doing the same old boring stuff with out any challanges. I also looked a Real Estate here and that wasn't a good idea already feeling down. The only things we could afford are studio's or really really run down and aweful. To top it off my hip still is having spurts of hurting really bad and they haven't been able to figure out why. The silver lining is that I have a really amazing husband that is very supportive and loving even when I have a poopy attitude. I know everything is where it is for a reason and GOD has a plan that when it all pans out will be better than I could ever imagine. Just for now I'm tired of waiting. GOD please give me strength and joy.

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