Tuesday, September 4, 2007


That's an easy thing to say but hard to put into practice. I can't tell you how many time I've heard from people that we will get pregnant when I stop stressing and stop thinking about it. Funny thing is I'm sure that I haven't been totally stressed out for the full 8 years of our marriage. Plus I know many many people that have gotten pregnant in the most stressful time of their life. I find it funny that we as humans think we need to come up with a formula to try to help others in what ever problems they are going through. In stead of just listening we think we need to help in making things better. Many times in our attempt to make things better we actually make them worse. We ailenate our friends by making them feel even more like a failure. I know the stress thing for me made and makes me feel like a failure. Stress is a given in life. Especially in our life right now. In the stress we are learning to lean more and more on GOD but the learning process is stressful. I am trying to stop myself from giving a plan of attack to friends going through a hard time and just listen and point them to GOD. The truth is HE is the only one with the plan that works. Even as I write I'm reminding myself to turn to GOD as I am near freaking out myself.

As I metioned in another post things are kind of snowballing for us. And even today more things increased the size of that snowball. I have to keep reminding myself that no matter how big the snowball gets GOD is still bigger.


Anonymous said...

Hi girl, I breezed through your blogs and it sounds iike a lot of changes happening on your island. I was reminded of our conversation in May when i read your last email. I understand and it is hard when all you want to do is make your friend feel good but it is not in your court:( We have all been there, frankly it sucks! I'll give you a call soon and hopefully we won't play phone tag for too long.
Love ya!

SJ said...

I know exactly what you mean! Recently a friend came to me for support and I had to fight the urge to tell him what to do and give him a fix-all. It is so hard!

You're right. God is the only one who can fix it. I guess that is where faith comes into play ;) I've never been really good at that . . .

Love and miss you tons!!