Tuesday, September 18, 2007

8 Years

As of today Jason and I have been married 8 years. Its hard to believe that time has gone by so fast. We had a wonderful night out. We had a great diner. It was nicer than we thought we could do. GOD provided for us to go to a nice restaurant. Who said GOD doesn't care about the little things. I am so blessed by the husband GOD has given me. It amazes me how GOD made us for each other and worked things out just perfectly for us to find each other. Evan the things that were hard at the time I can now see how GOD used it all for me to find Jason.


JennyH said...

Congratulations on 8 years!!! That is definately something to celebrate!!

SJ said...

That is great! Congratulations on 8 years :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, long time!! Congrats! It is unbelievable that I was out in Colorado 8 years ago for your wedding!! That's incredible:)
I think you are out in CO so enjoy your time and give me a call when you have a moment.