Friday, October 26, 2007

Still here

I know it's been a long time since my last post. We came home from Colorado and hit the ground running. Things have been very busy.

So while we were in Colorado a friend offered to help us with adoption. When we got home another friend knew someone that knows a couple that run an orphanage in Figi. So long story short we are working our way to going to Figi to pick up a child. A lot of prayer is needed. First off we need a bigger place. We have been looking and not able to find anything good in our range. Second I found out yesterday that if I take more than 1 week off from my job I will be replaced. I feel I need to take 1 week to go to Fig and 2 weeks to get settled into a new groove before going back to work. So I'm looking for a job too. One thing we hadn't counted on needing to do in the flurry of everything else.

We were both hit hard by the news that I wouldn't have a job to come back to. But if I want when I'm ready to go back to work and they have an opening they will re-hire me and I get to start from scratch.


Natalie said...

I'm praying for you guys in this situation. I KNOW God's got a plan and a way for all of this to work out. He wouldn't bring you this far just to tease you with the possibility of a child. He'll make a way.

I love you!

JennyH said...

I have way too many words that want to be said, but I pray God's blessing and direction and continued provision. We will be praying for you and that God would be in the details (all of them!!!). We will be praying for you and for this child.