Thursday, September 27, 2007

A little late

After 7 years of trying to have children you would think that I would be used to the fact that my period comes every month. I guess thats not anything you ever really stop feeling. I was a few days last this month and as much as I tried to keep myself from hoping I was pregnant it didn't work. Thankfully my husband is very understanding and was very supportive when I told him and then we went for comfort food (hamburger and fries). I know GOD has a plan. I'm happy that even after so long I can still get hopeful even though it hurts when the period does come. The good thing is that it is a lot better than it was 6 years ago. I would totally crash and burn. So the good thing is that I can see that GOD has worked in me a lot of great things through this.

I know with out a doubt that one day we will have kids. If we get pregnant or adopt it is in GOD's hands. For our anniversary my parents bought us this fertility monitoring kit. Before you start thinking my parents are out of their mind, I asked for this. It's called the OV watch. You wear it while you sleep and it monitors the levels in your sweat. About 4 days before ovulation there is a chemical spike that the watch detects to let you know when your most optimum times of fertility are. So on a positive note we are going to try that this month.

Colorado here we come.

It's funny how time flies. Next week we head to Colorado. I can't believe it's almost here. I'm not sure how we are going to do with the temperature. The last couple mornings here I have thought it was a little cool as I got out of bed. That was at least until I looked at the temp and it was 80-82. I think we are in for a week of jeans and sweatshirts. In preparation for our trip we have sat down and planned most of our trip. We have never planned so many activities for a vacation. Normally we go to our destination and decide what we are doing when we wake up that morning. Funny how 10 days doesn't seem long at all when you are trying to cram a lot into them.

Life here in Hawaii has been a little wet. You can tell Fall is on its way the rain has been steady at night for about the last week. Also rain off and on through out the day too. Although when it rains here it doesn't really cool anything down. The rain has been nice to listen to. Like right now I hear it falling outside on the leaves of the trees behind us. The one thing I do miss about the rain here is the absence of lightning and thunder.

Colorado here we come.

It's funny how time flies. Next week we head to Colorado. I can't believe it's almost here. I'm not sure how we are going to do with the temperature. The last couple mornings here I have thought it was a little cool as I got out of bed. That was at least until I looked at the temp and it was 80-82. I think we are in for a week of jeans and sweatshirts. In preparation for our trip we have sat down and planned most of our trip. We have never planned so many activities for a vacation. Normally we go to our destination and decide what we are doing when we wake up that morning. Funny how 10 days doesn't seem long at all when you are trying to cram a lot into them.

Life here in Hawaii has been a little wet. You can tell Fall is on its way the rain has been steady at night for about the last week. Also rain off and on through out the day too. Although when it rains here it doesn't really cool anything down. The rain has been nice to listen to. Like right now I hear it falling outside on the leaves of the trees behind us. The one thing I do miss about the rain here is the absence of lightning and thunder.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

8 Years

As of today Jason and I have been married 8 years. Its hard to believe that time has gone by so fast. We had a wonderful night out. We had a great diner. It was nicer than we thought we could do. GOD provided for us to go to a nice restaurant. Who said GOD doesn't care about the little things. I am so blessed by the husband GOD has given me. It amazes me how GOD made us for each other and worked things out just perfectly for us to find each other. Evan the things that were hard at the time I can now see how GOD used it all for me to find Jason.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


So my parents are here. Haven't had much time to do any thing else. So far the trip has been good only one little issue so far. 3 more days to go. After they leave I'll post more indepth.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


That's an easy thing to say but hard to put into practice. I can't tell you how many time I've heard from people that we will get pregnant when I stop stressing and stop thinking about it. Funny thing is I'm sure that I haven't been totally stressed out for the full 8 years of our marriage. Plus I know many many people that have gotten pregnant in the most stressful time of their life. I find it funny that we as humans think we need to come up with a formula to try to help others in what ever problems they are going through. In stead of just listening we think we need to help in making things better. Many times in our attempt to make things better we actually make them worse. We ailenate our friends by making them feel even more like a failure. I know the stress thing for me made and makes me feel like a failure. Stress is a given in life. Especially in our life right now. In the stress we are learning to lean more and more on GOD but the learning process is stressful. I am trying to stop myself from giving a plan of attack to friends going through a hard time and just listen and point them to GOD. The truth is HE is the only one with the plan that works. Even as I write I'm reminding myself to turn to GOD as I am near freaking out myself.

As I metioned in another post things are kind of snowballing for us. And even today more things increased the size of that snowball. I have to keep reminding myself that no matter how big the snowball gets GOD is still bigger.


One of these days I will get some more pictures up. I know we live in a beautiful place, we just never have our camara on us. Or when we do we forget to use it which would be what we did when we went to the beach on Sunday.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Journey Continues

So I'm starting this blog by grabbing the kleenex. Right now I feel like I am trying to go up a very steep mountain in the pouring rain. One of my biggest weaknesses has always been finances. Jason has always known this and I try to get better but when $$$ are tight I get a little up tight. So w week or so ago I mentioned that I confused checking accounts and caused a little problem but it worked out fine. It just left me unhappy with myself that I would be that stupid. So yesterday I got a notice from our Hawaii bank of an over draft. My first thought is what did I do know. Well it turns out that it had nothing to do with me. So what happened is a check we deposited in our account was returned because of a bank misunderstanding at the check's bank. The big problem is that we had paid bills off of that check that then bounced back. So last night as soon as I got home from work I went into a tail-spin and lots of tears. Of course this would happen on friday night before a long week-end. I have no idea how all of this will work out. I know GOD is still in charge. We also switched a bill to pay less interest and pay it off sooner not realizing it would greatly increase our payment.

This is on top of our up coming trip to Colorado and the $$$ I know that we will need for the trip and I have no vacation time. We have friends in town and plan on hanging out with them Monday. Then my parents come next week and we always spend more $$$ than normal when guests are in town. The cars tags are due and the list goes no. I know that the fact that this all happened just as Jason switches to working for the church is not a coincidence. Just as I feel like I'm going to crumble into a million pieces I feel that this is just a sign that we are doing what GOD wants us to. In that I know that HE will take care of all that little things. Even when the little things feel like a hippo. NOTHING is too big for GOD. I keep repeating that to myself.

Then of course my period started yesterday too. I was really hoping that we were pregnant. Of course I have know idea how we would work that but it would be sooo great. As far as $$$ goes I have no idea how we could ever have $$$ to adopt. So we keep hoping and praying to get pregnant. Even though it has been 7 years and nothing has happened yet. GOD has a plan.

I feel like my head is going to explode. Why can't things happen 1 at a time.