Thursday, June 5, 2008

Pain as a Blessing?

This is a very interesting thought. I haven't posted for a while because nothing with the pain has changes except that it has gotten worse. I don't want this blog to be only whining. I spent many days last week crying and repeating in my head GOD is good, HE has a plan for good through this, HE is still on the throne, HE loves me VERY much, and HE will use this to bless others. The great thing is this week the pain isn't as bad and repeating those thought worked because I truely believe them with all my heart now. I doesn't mean this is going to be easy but GOD is good all the time.

It has been a little hard with the thought that this month we were supposed to become parents. As sad as it is that the pain has changed that I know GOD has a plan. Only GOD knows if that plan includes kids. Amazingly I'm ok with that most of the time.

I do have a rabbit trail. There is a thought among some Christians that pain is not from GOD. That as a child of GOD we have a right to not have pain. That we can speak to that pain and speak healing into reality. Speak it in JESUS name and you will be healed. I have a problem with this thought. Firstly my mom is of the thought process on a lot of things. Thankfully she hasn't gone there on this one. Now I have definatly had lots ans lots of prayer for healing. I have a problem with what I would call "name it and claim it". Then you also have the side that is it doesn't happen like you've asked it can send you into bad depression. Plus if we are able to GOD like that what kind of GOD is HE. That to me is more like a genie in a bottle. I have also in the past been hurt in churches where they call you up for prayer for healing and right after they pray they ask you if you feel any differance from the pain any signs of healing and when you feel the same you are told the you must not have had enough faith.

Plus Paul had a thorn in the flesh. The bible doesn't say what it was exactly but it was something bad enough that he asked 3 times for GOD to take it away.

GOD can be grorified throught my pain, and HE will. When I'm having a hard time with it HE will be there to listen and hold me. In the end I know I will be able to look back and see the amazing things the HE has done in the pain.

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