Friday, May 16, 2008

A lot of NOTHING

Sorry it's been a while. The MRI came back clean. The things found were very small and wouldn't of caused the problem. So back to square one. I started physical therapy and it looks like that my posture as I work was tweaking my back to the right that could account for the spasms. Now that it is being worked out you would think it would be getting better. Well I have changed my posture to stop constantly turning to the right. Unfortunately the effect is opposite to what was expected. The pain is getting worse. I am in the midst of being tested for more in depth autoimmune issues and so far every thing is coming back normal. Don't get me wrong I'm happy to not have an autoimmune issue, but we are running out of causes for the pain I'm in. I'm on anti inflammatory and muscle relaxers and this should be calming down the pain. But it is not. We are trying another round of steroids in hopes that it calms it down. The next step is pain killers that I'd rather not do. I'm not sure what we are doing next.

I know that GOD has a plan in even this.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

I'm so sorry you are still in pain and are not getting any answers! I really do understand, having been in your place just a year ago. It is incredible frusterating to see doctor after doctor, test after test, and do lots of physical therapy that dosen't seem to be working. It is also hard to see God working in the midst of it. All I can tell you is that He is there more than you know or feel right now. I still don't have any answers to why I had to go through everything I have in the last year; however, I do know that it has made me a much more compassionate person that is able to see a lot more gray instead of just black and white. For me, I think it was part of the refining process God used to mold me a little bit more into who he created me to be. Love you and are praying for you. Keep pressing on!