Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Pain

Well the pain had been very bad lately and keep changing.
My hip continues to have a high level of pain. The nerve sensations are very strong and steady for the first half of the day. Now I have a new one. Yesterday late morning I started feel a little pinch in my neck. Like when you sleep wrong except that this started after I woke up. I continues to try to help it out by little stretches. At church I had a friend rub my shoulders to try and release some of the tightness. No matter what I did nothing helped. By 8:30 last night the pain was so bad the breathing was hard and I thought I would vomit and pass out. The pinch in my neck had turned into a spasm that went down the full right side of my back with tingling into my finger and leg on the right side. What better place for this to happen than at church. After a lot of prayer my husband was ready to take me to the ER. I then remembered that I work for a Doctor and I have his cell number. I explained to him what was happening and that we were going to go to ER. He explained that it was most likely a bad spasm and all the ER would do is pump me full of pain killers. I don't do well on strong pain killers so we opted to not do ER. So now I still had the pinch in my neck/shoulder that if I do not hold my head just right starts to spasm down my back. I went into work to my Doctors surprise and was able to stay til 2:30, then the pain started to increase. I talked with my Doctor today and he is hoping to get me into a Neurologist ASPS, this is a little out of his field. So the Neurologist was out of the office today so first thing tomorrow he will call and try to pull some strings. The very crazy part is all of this pain started without any injury or accident. It has all started out of the blue. My poor husband is beside himself. So if you could be praying for Jason and strength for him and wisdom for the Doctors so they can figure out what's going on.

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