Tuesday, February 26, 2008

2 Weeks

I can't believe it's been 2 wk since my last post.

We had guest in town for most of that time. It was a great time with friends. It just left me a little worn out. I feel worn out a lot lately maybe it's a sign I'm getting old. It was nice to have a good experience with guests. One of our first visitors left me afraid to have more visitors. The good news is that the last visitors left me with a good experience to balance out the bad one.

One of the best things is that in the last 2 wks we spent a lot of time at the beach. The is the best part of guests. It makes you make the time to go to the beach. That was wonderful. Crazy how you can live hear and go for weeks without making it to the beach. It's weird how life gets so busy that you miss out on GOD's beauty. I have a good tan going on now too.

Really life is good. My pain isn't as bad. I haven't gotten the full scoop on the blood work but it looks like it is normal. My hands seem to have carpel tunnel going on and with wearing braces when I sleep it has helped out a lot with the pain, they are still puffy but it is much better. My hip is bursitis. The hard part with that is I'm not supposed to do stairs. Let me just say we live in a 3 story on the 3rd floor with out an elevator, you tell me how that's going. Plus with guests you have to show off the sites so there was some hiking, don't tell my boss. Now I will try to take it a little easier. Unfortunately there is no way around the stairs. Even with all of that it is not as bad.

As far as adoption we are still aiming for June. It is all in God's hand. Even if it is June it doesn't seem like it will ever get here. I know on God's scale it's no time at all but on my scale it feels like it has been forever. Part of me is wondering if it will really happen. I know God is good, I guess I'm just keeping in mind that the time frame can change. I know well how plan's can change. Ultimately I want God's will not mine.

We have been greatly blessed by our church. A number of people have blessed our socks off. I have also realized that we have a great church in general. Our pastor has a phenomenal gift with teaching. In our mid week service we went through Leviticus and now we are in Numbers and it seem strange to say that they have been exciting books and I have learned more that I ever thought possible. Here is the web site http://www.onelove.org/ we have pod cast and video on there.

God really is good. Even though I am tired thinking back I am amazed at how good GOD is all the time even when I'm not noticing. I need to work harder to notice HIS goodness. My focus need to make a change from the - to the +. It's crazy how easy it is to focus on the - and so hard to remember the +. Maybe I'm the only one with that problem.

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