Thursday, July 23, 2009

No more appendix

Friday at 3am Jason and I went to the ER. I had been in pain since 5pm Thursday. The good thing is that I was the perfect appendix presentation. From the moment I arrived that was the first thing they mentioned. So after all was done I had surgery at 10am and then released from the hospital 3pm Saturday. There was no leaking so it was a simple surgery.

Today is my first day back to work and so far so good. It's lunch time and I'm a bit tired. Praise the Lord I'm up and moving and that my boss is wonderful.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Good news

The pain is less. Not needing to take as many meds. I'm very happy about that. I'm seeing a new physical therapist and it is helping a lot. This is such a praise report. Thank You GOD.